Get up to 3 quick quotes for your renovations. Free service with no obligation, anywhere in Quebec. 


The following terms and conditions, effective May 29, 2022, constitute the agreement applicable to the use of the Compare Renovation Quotes website, as agreed upon between its owner Oolong Media Inc. and the user thereof. By clicking on the “I agree” icon below, you acknowledge that you have read and accepted all of these terms and conditions. Please note that these terms and conditions of use may be modified at any time by Oolong Media Inc. Last update: May 29, 2022.

Purpose of the website

Compare Renovation Quotes offers you access to a service that collects the necessary information and puts you in contact with partners in order to facilitate access to quotes for contractors and more for the user.

Our mission is to save the user time and money by making it easy to find the service provider (contractor, electrician, insurer, financial advisor, building inspector, notary, real estate broker, etc.) that best suits your needs, our priority being to find the best price for you:

Our service includes the following:

• Offering a 100% free and non-binding service to users;
• Collecting and distributing the information necessary for the preparation of quotes by the partners;
• Obtaining quick and competitive quotes by avoiding the repetition of steps for the user;
• Provide access to a network of professional partners

What the Site is not

First of all, Oolong Media Inc. is not a broker registered with the Autorité des marchés financiers (hereinafter: the “Autorité”); it does not offer insurance brokerage services and does not hold any other title on behalf of insurance companies or financial products.

Oolong Media Inc. acts as an intermediary between the user and the partners and is only a tool for the collection and transmission of all the information required by all the partners to allow them to prepare and transmit a suitable quote to you.


Secondly, Oolong Media Inc. does not offer a recommendation service to do business with one partner rather than another. The choice to do business with a partner following the receipt of a quote depends entirely and solely on the user and it is the user’s responsibility to make the appropriate verifications with the Authority in order to ensure the compliance, legitimacy, and right to practice of the partner by consulting the registers and information made available by the Authority.


Indeed, before signing a contract with one of our partners, it is your responsibility to demand to see their permit from the AMF and to ask the right questions in order to fully understand their analysis of your needs.


Therefore, while Oolong Media Inc. makes every effort to connect the user with reputable and reliable partners, it cannot guarantee their qualifications, pricing, their work, and services offered. Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for any damages resulting from a service agreement with one of our network partners. Please see the “Oolong Media Inc. Commitments and Limitation of Liability” section below for more information.


Finally, Oolong Media Inc. is not a party to any contractual agreements between partners and users and does not guarantee the accuracy of the quotes transmitted by our partners. Quotes must be validated with our partners. In addition, none of the following clauses shall bind Oolong Media Inc. or any of its shareholders, directors, employees, agents, assigns, officers or representatives to any obligations in connection with the execution of the brokerage mandates entered into with the partners.


“Compare Renovation Quotes” is not in any way connected with the “” site or any of the services belonging to its network (including, but not limited to “Instagram”, “Occulus VR”, “WhatsApp”).  “Compare Renovation Quotes” has not received any endorsement from Facebook Inc. nor does it intend to do so in the future.


Our “Compare Renovation Quotes” platform provides information that should not be taken as real advice from professionals in the fields of finance, heating and air conditioning, real estate, insurance, moving, etc. Our writers have researched their information to the best of their ability but errors can, however, appear in the text.


The mission of this platform is very simple: “We connect users who have filled out our forms on our site with our partners who are real estate brokers, life insurance brokers, damage insurance brokers, lawyers, appraisers, etc. Our partners hold the appropriate certifications to be professionals in their field. Our forms that provide users with quotes are completely free of charge and do not commit these users to anything.

Information to be transmitted, processing and acceptance by the user

In order to provide its services, Oolong Media Inc. must collect all the information necessary for the partners to be able to prepare a satisfactory quote that meets the user’s needs. Therefore, by accepting these terms and conditions, the user agrees to transmit all necessary personal or confidential information to Oolong Media Inc. via an online form, by phone, or by email.


Oolong Media Inc. reserves the right to remove any information submitted by the user where it has reason to believe that such information is in violation of these terms and conditions of use or infringes on the rights of third parties.


Any information submitted by the user may be modified or removed from the Compare Renovation Quotes database by sending an email to Oolong Media Inc. reserves the right to remove or modify the information requested within 15 days of receipt of such a request.


The user also agrees that the information entered in the submission form will be collected, transferred, and stored by Oolong Media Inc. and its partners (as provided by the service) in accordance with the provisions of the “Privacy Policy” section below.


Information will not be made available to third parties, other than to Partners.


By including your phone number in the form and submitting it, you agree to be contacted by Oolong Media Inc. partners or validation team, even if you are on the National Do Not Call List. User also agrees to be contacted by the Partners by telephone, email, or text message to obtain further information necessary to prepare a quote tailored to User’s needs or to enter into a contract. If the Partners are unable to contact the User, the User understands that he/she will not be able to obtain quotes from the Partners.

Accuracy of the information transmitted by the user

The user is, at all times, responsible for the conformity and veracity of the information he/she transmits through the website. All information must be valid, complete, and up to date at the time of transmission. Otherwise, the penalties provided for below in the section “Prohibited Acts and Penalties for Violations” may be applied.

Oolong Media Inc. has the right but not the obligation to review information submitted by users of this site. Therefore, Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for verifying the information submitted by the user and is not responsible for any effects or damages arising from the transmission or use of such information as further detailed in the section “Oolong Media Inc. Commitments and Limitations of Liability”.

Privacy Policy

The confidentiality of information transmitted by the user is important to Oolong Media Inc. Without being able to guarantee its success, Oolong Media Inc. is committed to taking all possible and reasonable measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of the information transmitted by the user and has developed a policy for the protection of personal and confidential information in accordance with the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector, which can be consulted here:

However, by accepting the present terms and conditions, the user understands and acknowledges that despite the good will of Oolong Media Inc., it is impossible to guarantee the success of the security measures put in place as well as the confidentiality and security of the information transmitted since the Internet is never entirely secure. The user, therefore, accepts the risks and possible damages resulting from the transmission and collection of personal information and agrees to the application of the “Oolong Media Inc. Commitments and Limitations of Liability” section.

Intellectual Property and Content

For your information, the information posted on the Site and any other Oolong Media platform is provided for information purposes only and has no official or professional standing. As such, Oolong Media Inc. does not guarantee the accuracy of the content on its site or any of its platforms, although every effort is made to keep it current.

Oolong Media Inc. reserves the right to change or remove content from the Website or any of its platforms without notice.


Furthermore, the content of the Website and its other platforms, its design, layout, and functionality as well as the trademarks and images used on the Website are the exclusive property of Oolong Media Inc. and are protected by intellectual property laws. Any copying, reproduction, use, distribution, retransmission, display or publication is therefore strictly prohibited unless prior written permission is obtained from Oolong Media Inc. However, it is permitted to share our content on social networks and to establish one or more hyperlinks to our web pages provided that the following conditions are met: no products from the site are reproduced, no content is placed in a “frame”, you do not make any claims on behalf of Oolong Media Inc. (such as recommending a product or service), and your site does not contain any libelous, obscene or threatening material.


Violation of this section will result in appropriate sanctions as described below under “Oolong Media Inc. Commitments and Limitations of Liability” and is subject to prosecution.

Use of cookies

For the user’s information, the Compare Renovation Quotes website uses “cookies”.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the hard drive of a visitor to a site like this. No confidential information is stored and it is not dangerous or harmful to your system. On the contrary, cookies are used to personalize and improve the browsing experience on this web platform. If the user does not wish to be subject to cookies, they can disable them via their browser options (whether it is Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or other).


Compare Renovation Quotes uses Google Analytics and other web tracking tools to analyze user profiles and behavior. The data thus generated is transmitted to and stored by Google. The user understands that Google may have to communicate this data to third parties if it is legally obliged to do so or if these third parties process this data for Google.

Commitments of Oolong Media Inc. and Limitations of Liability

Commitments of Oolong Media Inc. – Obligation of means: Oolong Media Inc. undertakes to act in the best interests of the user, exercising due care and diligence. It also agrees to act to the best of its ability in accordance with the practices and rules of the trade in order to ensure a quality service in accordance with these terms and conditions through its Compare Renovation Quotes site.


General Limitation of Liability for Damages: Subject to the applicable provisions of the law, Oolong Media Inc. and its shareholders, directors, employees, agents, assigns, officers and representatives shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages that may be caused to the user or a partner arising out of the use of or inability to use this web site, however caused.


Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Oolong Media Inc. does not warrant and shall not be liable for any of the following:


  • Limitation of Liability for Site Functionality

 The user understands that no website is completely free from computer or other problems and that Oolong Media Inc. cannot guarantee that the online quote service will be uninterrupted and fully functional (accessibility, error messages, etc.) at all times. As such, Oolong Media Inc. does not guarantee the availability or functionality of the Website or any of its platforms or the outcome of any bidding process.


Oolong Media Inc. does not warrant that the files hosted on our server will be error-free, free of computer viruses, Trojan horses, or other items that may damage your computer equipment.


Oolong Media Inc. reserves the right to terminate its operations for any reason without notice.


  • Limitation of Liability for the Content of the Site: As previously stated, Oolong Media Inc. is not a broker and cannot guarantee that the information contained on the Website is accurate or up-to-date.


Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused to the user in connection with any use of any information appearing on the site, any action taken in reference to the information posted on its website or platforms, or any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or failure to update the content.


The opinions or comments in the pages and articles of the Compare Renovation Quotes website are those of the writers or the person to whom they are attributed. Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for them.


  • Limitation of Liability for External Sites: Oolong Media Inc. does not review, endorse, approve or recommend the content posted on any website or other platform to which hyperlinks are provided. Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for the content of external sites.
    • Limitation of Liability for Validity and Protection of Personal and Confidential Information: As previously stated, the user is at all times responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the information transmitted through the website.


  • Therefore, Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for the verification of the information transmitted by the user or for any effects or damages caused directly or indirectly by the transmission or use of such information.


    While Oolong Media Inc. will use reasonable efforts to ensure the security and confidentiality of any information transmitted by the user, Oolong Media Inc. will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages incurred by the user in connection with the protection of personal or confidential information transmitted.

    • Limitation of Liability for Partners and their Services: As previously stated, Oolong Media Inc. does not provide a referral service and is not a party to any contractual agreements between users and partners.


  • Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for the exercise of any partner’s right to practice, any verification is the responsibility of the user with the Authority and Oolong Media Inc. is not responsible for the choice of doing business with one partner over another and the consequences of that choice in any way. Thus, Oolong Media Inc. cannot be held responsible for products or services sold or for any harm caused by the user or the partner.

Obligations of Users and Partners, Penalties for Violations and Indemnity

Partners and users of the service agree to:

• respect all the provisions of the present terms and conditions;
• comply with applicable laws at all times;
• provide legitimate, accurate, complete and up-to-date information;
• not to transmit any fictitious, vexatious or otherwise harmful or unnecessarily time-consuming request;
• not to compromise the security, accessibility and integrity of the website in any way (malware, spam, viruses, etc.);
• Not to represent another person or company without their consent;
• not to violate the rights of Oolong Media Inc. and third parties, including trademark rights, patent rights, rights of privacy or publicity, copyrights, etc;
• not to use any processor or other electronic means to collect data;
• not to circumvent any protective measures designed to restrict access to any part of the Compare Renovation Quotes website.

In the event that the user or partners commit a prohibited act or generally violate any of the provisions of these terms and conditions, Oolong Media Inc. reserves the right:

  • restrict or prevent access to its site, its services and all its platforms, without prior notice;
  • to take any action necessary to stop the violation and to be compensated for any damages resulting from it without delay or notice. Such indemnification shall cover court and out-of-court costs, audit fees, and other costs and expenses incurred in any suit, action, or proceeding related to the foregoing.
  • Indemnity Undertaking: User or Partners agree to indemnify and free from liability Oolong Media Inc., its shareholders, directors, employees, agents, assigns, officers, representatives and partners from and against any claim, demand or proceeding (including court and out-of-court costs, audit fees and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with any such proceeding, (including legal and extrajudicial fees, auditing costs and other costs and expenses incurred in connection with any suit, action or proceeding relating to the foregoing) for damages sustained or incurred as a direct or indirect result of its (their) use of the Roofing Bids site, in the event of its (their) liability or in the event of a breach of any of its (their) obligations under these terms and conditions.

  • Other provisions:

    Satisfaction: Oolong Media Inc. invites the user to fill out a satisfaction survey in order to provide feedback on the service obtained by the partners who have contacted him/her.

  • Non-Waiver: No failure, neglect, or delay by Oolong Media Inc. to exercise any right or remedy under these terms and conditions shall be construed or understood as a waiver of any of its rights or remedies, and any such right or remedy available to it shall remain in full force and effect until the statutory or contractual limitation period for exercising such right or remedy has expired.

  • Illegality: If any provision on this page is determined to be void, invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these Terms of Use, which shall remain in full force and effect.

  • Governing Law and Election: The terms and conditions of Oolong Media Inc. and their interpretation shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Quebec and the federal laws of Canada applicable therein. The Parties agree, for any claim or suit on any ground whatsoever relating to these terms and conditions and their interpretation and application, to elect the judicial district of Quebec City, Province of Quebec, Canada, as the proper place for the hearing of such claims or suits to the exclusion of any other judicial district which may have jurisdiction over such dispute as required by law.

  • Contact Information

    Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.

    Contact information for Compare Renovation Quotes:


  • Signature and acceptance of terms: By accepting these Terms and Conditions for use of the website, the user has read, understands and agrees:

    • -to comply generally with all the provisions, obligations and commitments of these Terms and Conditions;
    • -to abide by all the provisions of the limitations of liability and indemnity undertakings
    • -that his/her personal and confidential information will be collected in accordance with the Privacy Policy.